Most Popular Persian Drum Beats - Persian 6/8
For this instructional video I have compiled 10 of the most popular Persian 6/8 drum beats. These beats are commonly used in today's dance or pop music modernized from traditional Persian rhythms most often played with hand drums. I have charted these beats in drum notation, will discuss each beat in detail and demonstrate them in three different tempos; slow, medium and fast.
I will show you the best way to count these 6/8 patterns which will make it easy for you to master the sometimes tricky phrasing in Persian music. I breakdown the way I play hi-hat and some sticking variations, accents and dynamics all of which are important elements in the presentation of your overall sound.
If you are new to this style of music then this video will give you a good understand of these unique Persian 6/8 rhythms. If you are already familiar to with this music then the video could add new ideas and perspectives to your playing. Whether you are playing drums in your bedroom or you are out performing live or in the studio, these beats are a lot of fun to play and some can be challenging too.
Please enjoy my presentation and thank you for your interest in what I do musically. I am grateful for your support and friendship.
Most Popular Persian 6/8 Beats
By Dave Haddad
* 10 Beats Performed at 3 different Tempos
* Groove Segments with Fill Examples
* Hi-Hat Patterns & Technique
* Sticking & Phrasing
Hi-Hat: For the basic Hi-Hat Pattern I show how different accenting and sticking can help you create a unique sound and feel.
Hi-Hat & Kick: Adding the Kick Drum to the Hi-Hat Patterns.
Snare 4: Adding a backbeat to the pattern on count 4.
Snare 5: Now play the backbeat on count 5.
1/16th Snare 4: Slightly modifying the Hi-Hat Pattern in a Snare 4 Beat.
1/16th Snare 5: Slightly modifying the Hi-Hat Pattern in a Snare 5 Beat.
Dotted Snare 4: Adding a "dotted feel" on the Hi-Hat Pattern in a Snare 4 Beat.
Dotted Snare 5: Dotted feel on the Hi-Hat in a Snare 5 Beat.
Dotted Snare 4 Two: Adding nuances and variations to a Dotted Snare 4 Beat.
Dotted Snare 5 Two: Adding nuances and variations to a Dotted Snare 5 Beat.
This video is Part 1 of a 2 part series I am presenting on Persian Drumming and focuses on sticking, accents and groove. These elements are essential for proper representation and articulation of the "Persian 6/8 Feel".
There are many other beats in this genre which are needed for a complete general understanding of Persian drumming and not all the beats are in 6/8 time. These 'other beats'; Bandari, Bastaki, Slow 6/8, 2/4 and Rumba will all be covered in part 2 of my Persian drum-set performance for modern pop/dance series.